Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Go-Aide Foundation visit to DiHokoHoko

(See photos at the bottom)

1) Introduction

The Go-Aide Foundation (Go-Aide), based in Germany, partnered with the Divundu Horticulture Projects (DHP) and the Evangelical Bible Church (EBC) to implement and support Organic Poly Cropping (OPC) training in the DiHokoHoko (DiHoko) area near Divundu in the Kavango East Region. This training and support project will be over a period of 3 years over which 6 training sessions will be done. EBC provides the infrastructure and DHP the co-ordination, follow-up training and monitoring.

The project is intended to benefit individuals and communities in the Kavango West and East Region, from Rundu to Omega 3. The vision is to establish and implement a permanent training center at DiHoko from where permaculture will be trained and monitored. Three levels of training will be presented at DiHoko after the 3 year establishing period: 1) Basic seasonal OPC (also referred to as ‘kitchen gardens’) 2) Irrigated OPC and 3) Commercial OPC.

Phase 1 visit 1 was to present an introduction to OPC and to prepare and establish a training environment with accommodation training facilities. The total project will train about 15 students intensively on the principles and implementation of permaculture, to become trainers in their communities, training at least 5 students, regenerating the whole concept. Everything will be monitored and evaluated as they go.

Edward Dunkley from Go-Aide and Dor Havkin a training consultant for Go-Aide, visited DiHoko during April 2014 to supervise the implementation of phase 1. Anton Mberema from DiHoko and Emmanuel Muyumba from Hope Village assisted them in establishing and managing the implementation.

2) Renovations to the existing center

One of the reasons Go-Aide chose DiHoko as the venue to start their project from, was the existing infrastructure. This would suit their needs for a training environment, to get started as soon as possible.
2 Houses were identified for the training project. One would serve as a training class room, an office and accommodation for staff. The other would be fitted as students’ accommodation.

A lot of equipment had to be planned, bought, transported, fitted and installed. Amongst this were beds, mattresses, duvets and sheets, pillows, cooking utensils, gas and a fridge. Then the houses had to be cleaned, repaired, painted, toilets fixed, showers fixed, locks fitted, window gauze fitted and electrical wiring and lighting fixed. This kept the team very busy. Edward and Dor looked after the interaction and networking of the project with local Government and Authorities, while Emmanuel and Anton, purchased, transported and facilitated. Over and above this they had to see that all the required training material was sourced and in place, including the white board, the flip chart and the projector.

3) Introduction to Permaculture

Dor did some basic networking during the preparation phase of the training center. He explained quite some interesting concepts, unique to OPC.
He showed the DiHoko community that OPC is not simple farming only, but a whole new life style involving yourself, the community and nature around you. Three new sayings became evident: 1) Use and improve OPC patterns and designs 2) Go to nature to get the best results and 3) Seeing by asking the right questions.

Dor also explained and discussed how to make a useful compost heap. This involved techniques for best composting, to be used as a liquid fertilizer, a fertilizing spray or just compost. Emmanuel took this opportunity to start 5 new, huge compost heaps at DiHoko with 6 volunteer students. The nice about it was that it was taught practically, showing while explaining.

Then Dor introduced the concept of Banana Circles. This is a concept where the drainage from your shower, kitchen and toilet can be directed to a ‘feeding pot’, around which you plant bananas, paw paws and other local fruits to feed from it. The community was quite impressed to see how simple and effective this principle can be.

4) Finally

The site was not completed by the team during phase 1, due to time constraints. EBC and DHP will carry on with this work, to have it ready when the first training will start, somewhere in July.
The EBC and DHP trainers were impressed, the community was impressed and all the visiting students were impressed. They all look forward to the official training to start shortly.

16 Students were selected for this official training and they will be notified as soon as this is to start. They were selected as a result of their position in their communities, keeping the regenerative training cycle going.
DHP and EBC would like to thank the GO-Aide Foundation for getting involved in this project and all the hard work being done so far, it is much appreciated.

Report by:
Emmanuel Muyumba
TOT in Permaculture
Hope Village